Interface HashImmutable

All Known Subinterfaces:
Immutable, Stateless, ValueType, XImmutableBag<E>, XImmutableCollection<E>, XImmutableEnum<E>, XImmutableList<E>, XImmutableMap<K,​V>, XImmutableMap.Keys<K,​V>, XImmutableMap.Values<K,​V>, XImmutableSequence<E>, XImmutableSet<E>, XImmutableTable<K,​V>, XImmutableTable.Keys<K,​V>, XImmutableTable.Values<K,​V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferSizeProvider.Default, BufferSizeProvider.Sized, BufferSizeProviderIncremental.Default, BufferSizeProviderIncremental.Sized, ComProtocol.Default, ComProtocolProvider.Default, Constant, ConstHashEnum, ConstHashTable, ConstHashTable.Keys, ConstHashTable.Values, ConstLinearEnum, ConstList, Empty, EmptyTable, EqConstHashEnum, EqConstHashTable, EqConstHashTable.Keys, EqConstHashTable.Values, EqConstList, EscapeHandler.Default, KeyValue.Default, LinkingReferencing.Default, StorageConfiguration.Default, XCsvConfiguration.Default, XCsvParserCharArray

public interface HashImmutable
Marker type to indicate that all fields (the state) used in the implementation of equals(Object) and hashCode() are immutable (will never change) and thus the results of equals(Object) and hashCode() can never change during the life span of an instance of this type.

This additional contract is required to enable the proper use of Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode(), because Object.hashCode()-depending hashing depends on this behavior to remain consistent.

For any type not implementing this class (or not commonly known to be immutable, like String, Integer, etc.), do not rely on neither Object.equals(Object) nor Object.hashCode(), as implementations overriding them are potentially broken in terms of the required behavior (e.g. JDK implementations of Collection are).
For those cases, use an externally defined Equalator or HashEqualator with fitting implementation instead.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(Object other)
    Marker declaration to indicate that for classes of this type, Object.equals(Object) can be properly used.
    int hashCode()
    Marker declaration to indicate that for classes of this type, Object.hashCode() can be properly used.