Interface PersistenceTypeHandlerGeneric<D,​T>

Type Parameters:
D - the data type
T - the handled type
All Superinterfaces:
PersistenceDataTypeHolder<D>, PersistenceTypeDefinition, PersistenceTypeDescription, PersistenceTypeHandler<D,​T>, PersistenceTypeIdentity, PersistenceTypeIdOwner, PersistenceTypeLink
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinaryHandlerReflective, BinaryHandlerGenericEnum, BinaryHandlerGenericType

public interface PersistenceTypeHandlerGeneric<D,​T>
extends PersistenceTypeHandler<D,​T>
This type extends the PersistenceTypeHandler type only by the following reflection contract:

A class implementing this type must solely handle actual class Fields and their values. It may not use any custom persistent state or logic like e.g. PersistenceTypeHandlerCustom.

See Also: