Class NotImplementedYetError

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NotImplementedYetError
extends Error
Error that indicates that a piece of code (e.g. a method declared by an interface) should be, but is not implemented yet.

This error has to be seen as a kind of "meta construct", because it should never appear or even be necessary to exist in completed programs. Nevertheless, a construct like that is needed, because software, even perfectly planned ones, are growing work pieces and as such need a way to indicate currently existing construction sites. Even if it's only for testing and not for employing unfinished work-in-process software.

The current strategies of IDEs (or their default templates), to just return 0 / false / null and add a TO DO marker is fine for the developer, but nothing than a serious, hardly runtime-traceable bug for testing / wip-software.
The missing indicator error is currently substituted by an UnsupportedOperationException, which is merely a workaround and abuse of an exception that is supposed to indicate something else (namely that the requested procedure is not supported in a completed software).
To resolve this workaround and do it properly, a not implemented exception has to exist.

Still, the goal of every (completed) software has to be to never use this class.

See Also:
Serialized Form