Client GUI

Based on the REST API we provide a client, which serves a convenient web user interface to browse through the storage data.

It is a runnable jar which starts a simple web server which then can be accessed by a browser of your choice.

To download it use the following Maven command to download it into the current directory.

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=one.microstream:microstream-storage-restclient-app:{maven-version}:jar -Dtransitive=false{maven-version}.jar

or this direct link:

Start the client. The port parameter is optional, default port is 8080.

java -jar microstream-storage-restclient-app-08.01.02-MS-GA.jar --server.port=8888

Then just open http://localhost:8888 in your browser, select the base URL of the REST service and click connect.

rest client gui

Now you can browse through the data of the storage:

rest client gui2

Or view the statistics:

rest client gui3