Interface XReferencing<E>

All Superinterfaces:
CapacityCarrying, Copyable, ExtendedBag<E>, ExtendedCollection<E>, ExtendedList<E>, ExtendedSequence<E>, Iterable<E>, Referencing<E>, Sized, XGettingBag<E>, XGettingCollection<E>, XGettingEnum<E>, XGettingList<E>, XGettingSequence<E>, XGettingSet<E>, XIndexIterable<E>, XIterable<E>, XJoinable<E>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Constant, LinkingReferencing.Default, LinkReference.Default, Single, Singleton, SingletonView

public interface XReferencing<E>
extends XGettingList<E>, XGettingEnum<E>, Referencing<E>
  • Method Details

    • get

      E get()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Gets the first element in the collection. This is a parameterless alias for at(0).

      XGettingSequence.first() is an alias for this method.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Referencing<E>
      Specified by:
      get in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Specified by:
      get in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      the first element.
      See Also:, XGettingSequence.first(), XGettingSequence.last()
    • at

      E at​(long index)
      Specified by:
      at in interface XGettingSequence<E>
    • first

      E first()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Gets first element or throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the collection is empty.

      Is an alias for XGettingSequence.get().

      Specified by:
      first in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      First element
    • last

      E last()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Gets last element or throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the collection is empty.
      Specified by:
      last in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      Last element
    • poll

      E poll()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Gets first element or null if the collection is empty.
      Specified by:
      poll in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      First element or null
    • peek

      E peek()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Gets last element or null if the collection is empty.
      This behaves like peeking on a stack without pop.
      Specified by:
      peek in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      Last element or null
    • maxIndex

      long maxIndex​(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Specified by:
      maxIndex in interface XGettingSequence<E>
    • minIndex

      long minIndex​(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Specified by:
      minIndex in interface XGettingSequence<E>
    • indexOf

      long indexOf​(E element)
      Specified by:
      indexOf in interface XGettingSequence<E>
    • indexBy

      long indexBy​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Iterates forwards through the collection and returns the index of the first element that the passed {link Predicate} applies to immediately.
      Stops iterating on the first element that the predicate applies to.

      Basically the opposite of XGettingSequence.lastIndexBy(Predicate)

      Specified by:
      indexBy in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      predicate - to define a valid element
      The index of the first positively tested element.
    • lastIndexOf

      long lastIndexOf​(E element)
      Specified by:
      lastIndexOf in interface XGettingSequence<E>
    • lastIndexBy

      long lastIndexBy​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Iterates backwards through the collection and returns the index of the last element that the passed Predicate applies to immediately.
      Stops iterating on the first element that the predicate applies to.

      Basically the opposite of XGettingSequence.indexBy(Predicate).
      Similar but not the same as XGettingSequence.scan(Predicate), since scan iterates through all elements.

      Specified by:
      lastIndexBy in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      predicate - to define a valid element
      the index of the last positively tested element.
    • scan

      long scan​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Iterates through the collection and returns the index of the last element that the passed Predicate applied to ("scanning").

      In order to find the last element, this method must iterate over all elements of the collection (opposed to XGettingSequence.indexBy(Predicate) and XGettingSequence.lastIndexBy(Predicate)).

      Iteration can be safely canceled with a ThrowBreak (X.BREAK)

      Specified by:
      scan in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      predicate - to define a valid element
      the index of the last positively tested element.
    • isSorted

      boolean isSorted​(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Tests if the collection is sorted according to the given comparator.
      Specified by:
      isSorted in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      comparator - defines if elements are sorted
      true if it sorted, false if not
    • copySelection

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T copySelection​(T target, long... indices)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Iterates through all the elements of the given indices and calls the Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer.
      Specified by:
      copySelection in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called
      indices - of the elements which are copied
      Given target
    • iterator

      Iterator<E> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<E>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • toArray

      Object[] toArray()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Returns an array containing all the elements in this collection.

      The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are maintained by this list. (In other words, this method must allocate a new array). The caller is thus free to modify the returned array.

      This method acts as bridge between MicroStream-based collections and Java-native-based APIs.

      Specified by:
      toArray in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      an array containing all the elements in this collection.
    • hasVolatileElements

      boolean hasVolatileElements()
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedCollection
      Tells if this collection contains volatile elements.
      An element is volatile, if it can become no longer reachable by the collection without being removed from the collection. Examples are WeakReference of SoftReference or implementations of collection entries that remove the element contained in an entry by some means outside the collection.
      Note that WeakReference instances that are added to a simple (non-volatile) implementation of a collection do not make the collection volatile, as the elements themselves (the reference instances) are still strongly referenced.
      Specified by:
      hasVolatileElements in interface ExtendedCollection<E>
      Specified by:
      hasVolatileElements in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      true if the collection contains volatile elements.
    • size

      long size()
      Specified by:
      size in interface Sized
      Specified by:
      size in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Sized
    • equality

      Equalator<? super E> equality()
      Specified by:
      equality in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • toArray

      E[] toArray​(Class<E> type)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Returns a typed array containing all the elements in this collection.

      The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are maintained by this list. (In other words, this method must allocate a new array). The caller is thus free to modify the returned array.

      This method acts as bridge between MicroStream-based collections and Java-native-based APIs.

      Specified by:
      toArray in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      type - the Class representing type E at runtime.
      a typed array containing all the elements in this collection.
    • equals

      boolean equals​(XGettingCollection<? extends E> samples, Equalator<? super E> equalator)
      Specified by:
      equals in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      samples - is the collection which is checked for equality
      equalator - is used to check the equality of the collections
      true if the passed collection is of the same type as this collection and this.equalsContent(list, equalator) yields true
    • equalsContent

      boolean equalsContent​(XGettingCollection<? extends E> samples, Equalator<? super E> equalator)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Returns true if all elements of this list and the passed list are sequentially equal as defined by the passed equalator.

      Note that for colletion types that don't have a defined order of elements, this method is hardly usable (as is XGettingCollection.equals(Object) for them as defined in Collection). The core problem of comparing collections that have no defined order is that they aren't really reliably comparable to any other collection.

      Specified by:
      equalsContent in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      samples - is the collection which is checked for equality
      equalator - the equalator to use to determine the equality of each element
      true if this list is equal to the passed list, false otherwise
    • nullContained

      boolean nullContained()
      Specified by:
      nullContained in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • containsId

      boolean containsId​(E element)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Special version of contains() that guarantees to use identity comparison (" == ") when searching for the given element regardless of the collection's internal logic.
      This method has the same behavior as XGettingCollection.containsSearched(Predicate) with a Predicate implementation that checks for object identity. The only difference is a performance and usability advantage
      Specified by:
      containsId in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      element - the element to be searched in the collection by identity.
      whether this collection contains exactly the given element.
    • contains

      boolean contains​(E element)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Checks if the given element is contained in the collection.
      In contrast to the XGettingCollection.containsId(Object) method, this method uses the internal Equalator defined by the collection itself.
      Specified by:
      contains in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      element - to be searched in the collection
      Whether this collection contains the given element as specified by the Equalator.
    • containsSearched

      boolean containsSearched​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Specified by:
      containsSearched in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • containsAll

      boolean containsAll​(XGettingCollection<? extends E> elements)
      Specified by:
      containsAll in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      elements - to be searched in the collection.
      Whether this collection contains all given elements as specified by the Equalator.
    • applies

      boolean applies​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Tests each element of the collection on the given predicate.
      Specified by:
      applies in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      predicate - that's tested on each element.
      If all elements test successfully, true is returned. Otherwise (if at least one test has failed), false is returned.
    • count

      long count​(E element)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Count how many times this element matches another element in the collection using the Equalator.
      Specified by:
      count in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      element - to count
      Amount of matches
    • countBy

      long countBy​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Count how many matches are found using the given predicate on each element of the collection.
      Specified by:
      countBy in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      predicate - defines which elements are counted and which are not
      Amount of matches
    • search

      E search​(Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Returns the first contained element matching the passed predicate.
      Specified by:
      search in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      predicate - defines which element is searched
      Matching element
    • seek

      E seek​(E sample)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Returns the first contained element matching the passed sample as defined by the collection's equality logic or null, if no fitting element is contained. (For collections using referential equality, this method is basically just a variation of XGettingCollection.contains(Object) with a different return type. For collections with data-dependant equality, the returned element might be the same as the passed one or a data-wise equal one, depending on the content of the collection)
      Specified by:
      seek in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      sample - to seek in the collection
      the first contained element matching the passed sample
    • max

      E max​(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Specified by:
      max in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • min

      E min​(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Specified by:
      min in interface XGettingCollection<E>
    • distinct

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T distinct​(T target)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for all the unique/distinct elements of this collection. This means the elements are not equal to each other.
      Uniqueness is defined by the collections internal Equalator.

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.

      BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,2,3);
      BulkList<Integer> distinctCollection = collection1.distinct(BulkList.New());

      Results in distinctCollection containing 1, 2 and 3.

      Specified by:
      distinct in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for every distinct element of this collection.
      Given target
    • distinct

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T distinct​(T target, Equalator<? super E> equalator)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for all the unique/distinct elements of this collection. This means the elements are not equal to each other.
      Uniqueness is defined by the given Equalator.

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.


       BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,2,3);
       BulkList<Integer> distinctCollection = collection1.distinct(BulkList.New(), Equalator.identity());
      Results in distinctCollection containing 1, 2 and 3.
      Specified by:
      distinct in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for every distinct element of this collection.
      equalator - defines what distinct means (which elements are equal to one another)
      Given target
    • copyTo

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T copyTo​(T target)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for all the elements of this collection.

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.


       BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,3);
       BulkList<Integer> copiedCollection = collection1.copyTo(BulkList.New());
      Results in copiedCollection containing 1, 2 and 3.
      Specified by:
      copyTo in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for all elements of this collection.
      Given target
    • filterTo

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T filterTo​(T target, Predicate<? super E> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for all the elements of this collection which test true on the given predicate.

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.


       BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,3);
       BulkList<Integer> filteredCollection = collection1.filterTo(BulkList.New(), e-> e % 2 == 0);
      Results in filteredCollection containing 2.
      Specified by:
      filterTo in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for elements that test true.
      predicate - on which to test all elements.
      Given target
    • union

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T union​(XGettingCollection<? extends E> other, Equalator<? super E> equalator, T target)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for all the elements of this collection. And calls it for all elements of the other collection, that are not already in this collection (defined by the given Equalator)
      Therefore it effectively creates a mathematical union between the two collections.

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.


       BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,3);
       BulkList<Integer> collection2 = BulkList.New(2,3,4);
       BulkList<Integer> union = collection1.union(collection2, Equalator.identity(), BulkList.New());
      Results in union containing 1, 2, 3 and 4.
      Specified by:
      union in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      other - collection to build a union with.
      equalator - which is used for the equal-tests.
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for all unified elements.
      Given target
    • intersect

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T intersect​(XGettingCollection<? extends E> other, Equalator<? super E> equalator, T target)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Tests equality between each element of the two lists and calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for the equal elements.
      Therefore, it effectively creates a mathematical intersection between the two collections.

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.


       BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,3);
       BulkList<Integer> collection2 = BulkList.New(2,3,4);
       BulkList<Integer> intersection = collection1.intersect(collection2, Equalator.identity(), BulkList.New());
      Results in intersection containing 2 and 3.
      Specified by:
      intersect in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      other - collection to intersect with.
      equalator - which is used for the equal-tests.
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for equal elements.
      Given target
    • except

      <T extends Consumer<? super E>> T except​(XGettingCollection<? extends E> other, Equalator<? super E> equalator, T target)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Calls Consumer.accept(Object) on the target Consumer for each element of this collection that is not contained in the other collection (through the given equalator).

      Since all MicroStream Collections implement the Consumer interface, new collections can be used as target.


       BulkList<Integer> collection1 = BulkList.New(1,2,3);
       BulkList<Integer> collection2 = BulkList.New(2,3,4);
       BulkList<Integer> exceptCollection = collection1.except(collection2, Equalator.identity(), BulkList.New());
      Results in exceptCollection containing 1.
      Specified by:
      except in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the target
      other - collection whose elements are excluded from the target.
      equalator - which is used for the equal-tests.
      target - on which the Consumer.accept(Object) is called for elements not contained in the other collection.
      Given target
    • nullAllowed

      boolean nullAllowed()
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedCollection
      Defines if null-elements are allowed inside the collection or not.
      Specified by:
      nullAllowed in interface ExtendedCollection<E>
      true if null is allowed inside the collection; false if not
    • maximumCapacity

      long maximumCapacity()
      Description copied from interface: CapacityCarrying
      Returns the maximum amount of elements this carrier instance can contain.
      The actual value may be depending on the configuration of the concrete instance or may depend only on the implementation of the carrier (meaning it is constant for all instances of the implementation, e.g. Integer.MAX_VALUE)
      Specified by:
      maximumCapacity in interface CapacityCarrying
      the maximum amount of elements this carrier instance can contain.
    • remainingCapacity

      long remainingCapacity()
      Specified by:
      remainingCapacity in interface CapacityCarrying
      the amount of elements this carrier instance can collect before reaching its maximimum capacity.
    • isFull

      boolean isFull()
      Specified by:
      isFull in interface CapacityCarrying
      true if the current capacity cannot be increased anymore.
    • immure

      Constant<E> immure()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingList
      Provides an instance of an immutable collection type with equal behavior and data as this instance.

      If this instance already is of an immutable collection type, it returns itself.

      Specified by:
      immure in interface XGettingBag<E>
      Specified by:
      immure in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Specified by:
      immure in interface XGettingEnum<E>
      Specified by:
      immure in interface XGettingList<E>
      Specified by:
      immure in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      Specified by:
      immure in interface XGettingSet<E>
      an immutable copy of this collection instance.
    • listIterator

      ListIterator<E> listIterator()
      Specified by:
      listIterator in interface XGettingList<E>
    • listIterator

      ListIterator<E> listIterator​(long index)
      Specified by:
      listIterator in interface XGettingList<E>
    • old

      OldList<E> old()
      Specified by:
      old in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Specified by:
      old in interface XGettingList<E>
    • copy

      XReferencing<E> copy()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Creates a true copy of this list which references the same elements in the same order as this list does at the time the method is called. The elements themselves are NOT copied (no deep copying).
      The type of the returned list is the same as of this list if possible (i.e.: a SubList can not meaningful return a true copy that references its elements but still is a SubList)
      Specified by:
      copy in interface Copyable
      Specified by:
      copy in interface XGettingBag<E>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface XGettingEnum<E>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface XGettingList<E>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface XGettingSet<E>
      a copy of this list
    • toReversed

      XReferencing<E> toReversed()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Creates a new XGettingSequence with the reversed order of elements.

      This method creates a new collection and does not change the existing collection.

      Specified by:
      toReversed in interface XGettingEnum<E>
      Specified by:
      toReversed in interface XGettingList<E>
      Specified by:
      toReversed in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      New copy of the collection
    • view

      XReferencing<E> view()
      Description copied from interface: XGettingCollection
      Creates a view of this collection and returns it. It is a read-only collection, which wraps around this collection and only allows read methods.

      A view is different from immutable collection (XGettingCollection.immure()) in the way, that changes in this collection are still affecting the view. The immutable collection on the other hand has no reference to this collection and changes therefore do not affect the immutable collection.

      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingBag<E>
      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingCollection<E>
      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingEnum<E>
      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingList<E>
      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      new read-only collection to view this collection
    • view

      XReferencing<E> view​(long lowIndex, long highIndex)
      Description copied from interface: XGettingSequence
      Creates a sub-view of this collection and returns it. It is a read-only collection, which wraps around this collection and only allows read methods.
      The view is limited to a range from the lowIndex to the highIndex.

      A view is different from immutable collection (XGettingCollection.immure()) in the way, that changes in this collection are still affecting the view. The immutable collection on the other hand has no reference to this collection and changes therefore do not affect the immutable collection.

      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingEnum<E>
      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingList<E>
      Specified by:
      view in interface XGettingSequence<E>
      lowIndex - defines lower boundary for the view of the collection.
      highIndex - defines higher boundary for the view of the collection.
      new read-only collection to view a range of elements in this collection
    • range

      XReferencing<E> range​(long fromIndex, long toIndex)
      Specified by:
      range in interface XGettingEnum<E>
      Specified by:
      range in interface XGettingList<E>
      Specified by:
      range in interface XGettingSequence<E>